12 Reasons Why Is Hiking Good Exercise in 2024 [UTLIMATE GUIDE]

A German filmmaker, Werner Herzog, once said, “The world reveals itself to those who travel on foot.” With each step taken forward, you will unlock many treasures. Be it nature or the universe inside you, hiking is the ultimate strategy to get in touch with it.

But is hiking good exercise? Well, it certainly is. With hiking, you get an instant boost in your mood, reduced tension, and a relaxed mind and body. The long-term effects include a lower risk of heart and related health problems. This article explains the top 14 best hiking benefits for your body that will make hitting the trails more meaningful for you than ever. So, let’s start.

Quick Glance: Why Is Hiking Good Exercise?

Have a quick look at the 14 best benefits that hiking offers. We’ll explain each of them in detail below.

14 Core Reasons Why Is Hiking Good Exercise

“A day spent hiking in the wilderness, (and) exposure to nature has been linked to a host of benefits,” writes Kirsten Weir in her featured essay. Hiking impacts a person’s physical, social, emotional, and psychological life. Below are the 14 expertly recommended reasons why a person should hike. 

1. Holistic Exercise for Physical Fitness

is hiking good exercise

Walking in nature keeps you fit and adds a fun twist to staying healthy. When you go for a hike, you get to breathe in the fresh air, see beautiful views, and stretch your body. 

Hiking trails aren’t different from your typical smooth paths. They’re bumpy, challenging, and full of ups and downs. When you hike, other muscles in your body activate. Hiking boosts your heart and muscle strength. Hiking is a full-body workout that keeps you fit from head to toe.

Note: When hiking you may come across rugged or stony trails. And if you don’t have the right fit for your hiking boots you may end up stumbling. So make sure your boots match the size of your feet.

2. Calorie-Burning Expedition

is hiking good exercise

Hiking is a great exercise for losing weight. When done regularly, it helps maintain the appropriate body weight. Doctors recommend hiking and active walking as part of weight management treatment. The diverse terrains you cross during hiking make burning calories effective. 

3. The Social Joy of Hiking

is hiking good exercise

Hiking brings people together. When you put on your hiking boots and step into nature, you enter a world where the sound of leaves blends with laughter. 

Hiking is not just a walk. It’s a chance to connect with others and build a community. The shared experience on the trail strengthens social bonds, creating a resilient society with sound and healthy minds.

4. Is Hiking Good Exercise for Environmental Conservation?

is hiking good exercise

Hiking increases your sense of responsibility for preserving natural habitats. Hikers pay more attention to the environment and understand the importance of conserving natural resources. They value the gifts of nature and try to keep them safe.

5. Healthy Mind

is hiking good exercise

Hiking is beneficial for mental health in various ways. It elevates mood, reduces stress, and helps in fighting depression. It makes you emotionally mature and supports making rational decisions.

6. Comfort

is hiking good exercise

Mindful hiking in natural surroundings refreshes the spirit. Hiking acts as a powerful antidote to the difficulties of daily life. Spending more time in nature helps you stay calm and relax. 

When you are calm, you can notice things around you better. If you’re having difficulty deciding something important, hiking can help you improve your decision-making power. Moreover, there are hiking boots like Chacos that come with Z-straps to offer optimum comfort on versatile terrains. These types of boots are light on the feet and ensure a seamless hike.

7. Is Hiking Good Cardio Exercise?

is hiking good exercise

Proper rhythmic breathing is essential for good cardiovascular health. Walking on uneven trails or moving quickly at a slow pace helps you control your breathing. It also improves blood pressure and circulation throughout the body. Therefore, if you’re searching for “Is hiking good cardio?” The answer is a resounding Yes.

8. Full-Body Workout

is hiking good exercise

Hiking is a full-body workout. Walking over uneven terrain activates leg muscles. It strengthens the lower body. Carrying a backpack or using trek poles also strengthens upper body muscles, especially shoulders.

Hiking is particularly good for your legs. Athletes like footballers, who rely mostly on footwork, can benefit from it. It helps maintain muscle strength and tones your thighs and legs.

9. Nature’s Calming Effect

is hiking good exercise

Hiking is a stress-reducing antidote. The purity in nature calms your nerves. Hiking can also be a great remedy for routine life and work frustrations. So, if you are a corporate employee working in a hustling environment, pack up your backpack. It’s time to take a short break in the mountains with a quality pair of hiking boots.

10. Nature’s Sleep Aid

is hiking good exercise

Hiking contributes to reduced stress and anxiety, which are the common causes of insomnia and sleep-related issues.

Exposure to sunlight and spending time in a natural environment is associated with lower Cortisol levels. Research shows that higher cortisol levels hyper-charge your body, leading to sleep-related problems like getting fewer hours of sleep.

Hiking also helps in reducing anxiety by calming your nerves. The meditating aspect of hiking helps manage thoughts and thus reduces anxious thoughts.

In short, hiking lets you enjoy a good and peaceful night’s sleep.

11. Sunlit Wellness

is hiking good exercise

Sunlight is a great source of Vitamin D, which is crucial for strong and healthy bones. Outdoor activities such as hiking provide an opportunity to get direct exposure to sunlight. So, besides keeping your bones strong, hiking also helps ease back and joint pain. 

Another benefit lies in the maintenance of the circadian rhythm. Circadian rhythm is your body’s inner clock that controls when you sleep and wake up. Exposure to nature, such as sunlight during outdoor activities, helps maintain a healthy circadian rhythm.

12. Clearing Brain Fog

is hiking good exercise

Hikers experience healthy stimulation from nature. The fresh air, birds chirping, rustling leaves, and scenic landscapes stimulate their minds. Hikers think well, with quick perception and processing power. They are active and responsive. 

Hiking Vs Running: Which is Better?

Hiking and running both offer distinctive benefits. Hiking gives a sense of exploration, reduces stress, and builds a connection to nature. 

Running burns calories faster than hiking and is beneficial for heart health. Since both have different forms of exercise, there are different sets of boots for them. Popular boots for hiking include Timberlands, chacos, Kneen, and Danner.

While for running we’ve Nike, Puma, Hoka, and Brooks. In the end, both of these exercises boost your physical and mental well-being. You should pick the one that suits you best.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you get in shape just by hiking?

Yes, you can get in shape by hiking. Hiking is a good way to improve your physical fitness. You can effectively lose weight, build muscles, and improve cardiovascular health by hiking. 

Is hiking good exercise for weight loss

Hiking is walking on challenging trails, so it engages various muscles. While doing so, it utilizes excessive energy to reach the target location. Therefore, hiking is a good workout to lose weight. It boosts metabolism, contributing to shedding excess weight.

What happens if you hike daily?

If you hike daily, you will be physically fit, mentally resilient, and well-connected to your surroundings. Hiking comes with all the pros you can think of.

How long is a good hike?

The appropriate recommended time duration ranges from 30 minutes to 2 hours. Duration varies based on different factors. It depends on the person’s fitness level and the preferred target one wants to achieve.

Is hiking cardio or strenght?

Hiking is both a cardio and strength workout. It gets your heart rate up and works your muscles, especially your legs, core, and glutes.

Why is hiking good for your mental health?

Hiking can boost our mood, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve our cognitive function. It’s a great way to get some exercise, clear our heads, and connect with the natural world.

Is Hiking A Good Excercise? – Let’s Wrap This Up 

Is Hiking good exercise? Yes, it is indeed a great exercise. There are more than enough reasons in this article to motivate you for the next hike. The health benefits of hiking can’t be ignored. It yields physical strength, healthy bones, and weight loss. It reduces the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. It helps in managing stress and emotions. Hiking builds the stamina of an athlete and clams a corporate worker. 

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